How to Become the Firt Millionaire in Your Family
1. You attract what you
think about.
Whatever you're
thinking about, you're attracting.
If you want to attract more money, start thinking about your finances, about how you're going to make more money, and about how you're going to save.
2. Affirmations.
They can be simple
phrases that you repeat to yourself as you're going about your day or they can
be a list of goal that you're working on accomplishing.
3. Your past does not
equal your future.
What you've done and
what you've failed at in the past shouldn’t matter.
What matter is how
you're going to change things this moment forward?
4. Forget the past and
forgive others.
Holding on to grudges
and resentments will only cause you pain and suffering.
When you forgive
others, you set yourself free
5. You have to give up something to get something.
Give up negativity
and give up greedy thoughts.
If you want to be
successful, then you have to give up the things that are holding you back.
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