Maybe you’re looking for some connections and people with shared interests? I’d love to make a little self introduction here since it’s my very first blog post here in my blog. Come get to know a little about me as I wrote a brief self introduction here for you and I always love to be friends with amazing people like you!
Hello there! I am pleased that you’d like to know a little about me as you continue reading my self introduction My name is Abdulmajid Omar Mohamud, I was born and grew up in Mugadishu and I graduated to my study in SIMAD University at faculty of Business Administretion.
I have so many aspirations in life and to be a writer is one of them.. Yes, I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to have a purpose, to share what I learned, to help, to be heard, to have a voice… like all writers do, Creating a lovely identity is not the only thing I want, but to help and inspire people and find a bridge to connecting with amazing people around the world.
Blogging is a long time goal that I have been longing to learn and to do, and now I am here starting my first step to fulfilling my goal. It makes me happy and I am excited knowing that my ideas will be shared around the web to help and inspire individuals
I’d love to hear from you! If you have anything to say, Or if you just want to say hi or say anything rather than leaving a comment, you may send me an email at
Telephone +252615316333